
NDIS physio Adelaide: NDIS Physio For Children

Early intervention under the NDIS provides tailored, individualised support and planning based on assessments completed by families and healthcare professionals, with services and supports such as:

Physiotherapy may be included in your child’s NDIS plan if the NDIA considers it reasonable and necessary. We speak to NDIS physio for children Adelaide -licensed provider in our local area that has helped numerous children with disabilities improve their lives through physiotherapy treatments.

Physiotherapy for Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy is a non-progressive disability caused by brain damage during gestation, birth or early infancy, which affects muscle movement and posture as well as coordination, balance breathing and bladder and bowel function. Depending on which part of the brain has been damaged symptoms can range from mild to severe severity – which ultimately dictates their severity.

Physiotherapy helps individuals with cerebral palsy increase mobility, strength, and range of motion. It can provide greater independence, participation in daily activities, and an overall higher quality of life.

Physical therapists provide many kinds of physiotherapy treatments for those living with cerebral palsy (CP). These may include stretching and strengthening exercises, gait training, functional activities and sports specific treatment. Sometimes combined with speech therapy and occupational therapy. Medical specialists may prescribe botulinum toxin type A injections as well as surgical procedures like selective dorsal rhizotomy that can permanently reduce spasticity (muscle tightness).

MyIntegra offers NDIS plan management and coordination services that can assist your family in maximising the benefits of your child’s NDIS funds, so they may be funded under their plan. Click here for more information about our services.

Physiotherapy for Autism

Children with autism can benefit from physiotherapy to increase their balance, strength and coordination – helping them participate in sports and other activities more independently and improve quality of life. Furthermore, it may be useful for neurological conditions like spina bifida.

NDIS physio for children Adelaide can assist children who have dyspraxia, a developmental coordination disorder which affects 87% of those diagnosed with autism. It causes difficulties in coordinating physical movements like walking up or down stairs and kicking balls, and may impede daily tasks like dressing, bathing and eating.

Many physiotherapists specialise in treating children with disabilities, including Autism Spectrum Disorder. Working alongside other healthcare providers, they can develop an individualised care plan tailored specifically for your child using behavioural and developmental approaches as well as physical exercises in order to reach their goals.

Physiotherapy services for children with Autism may be funded under your NDIS plan if it is considered reasonable or necessary by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). Planners of your NDIS plan will assess your child’s needs, evidence of disability and specific supports needed.

Parents can work closely with physiotherapists to ensure the support from NDIS funding is efficient. Parents should prepare for planning meetings by compiling a list of their child’s strengths, needs and aspirations.

Physiotherapy for Children

Physiotherapy can provide children with disabilities a significant opportunity to reach developmental milestones like crawling, walking and sitting up. Furthermore, physiotherapy helps improve quality of life by expanding participation opportunities within family, community and social activities. Furthermore, it forms a part of NDIS which aids children suffering from cerebral palsy or other disabilities.

NDIS physio for children Adelaide may involve various exercises and techniques, including strengthening exercises, functional task training programs to enhance balance and coordination, breathing and relaxation techniques as well as breathing/calming techniques. Sessions may take place either in-home, school or community centre and may even work alongside other therapies and equipment.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme Early Intervention Scheme aims to provide children with disabilities or developmental delays access to a range of supports and services such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech pathology and exercise physiology – and it may include support coordination as well as respite care services for parents and carers.

To obtain NDIS physiotherapy for your child, it’s necessary to have an active NDIS plan and meet eligibility criteria. Your physiotherapist will discuss the results of their assessment with you and propose an individualised treatment plan; communication between sessions should remain constant as will attendance at your appointments; it would also be advisable for children to be involved and encouraged in these sessions as a form of incentive.
